Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mind Over Matter

Ok, so mind over matter. Does this really work or is there a trigger that enhances our abilities to perform.

I had been stressed with work lately and had some time off. Of course I had been to the doctor several times and thought I was on my way to recovery.

The fact is, well......I don't think that I am. What I mean is that I am stressed but getting better on my own. Sure I was given medication that helped with anxiety attacks and depression, although it was a low dose; I found myself feeling worse rather than better with the medication. I was sleeping alot longer than normal, and didn't want to do much.

Now the old me would find it easy to say "Skip it!" meaning going to the Gym. But wait a minute, I hit a snag! I bought training sessions and I knew my husband would be all over my butt if I didn't go. The disappointment feeling of disappointment from him (my husband) and of course myself made me realize that skipping it was not going to help me with my goal. However I was feeling like Crap!!!! Knowing this and the fact that I had unwittingly committed myself by means of finance and promises made to the other half, I drag my feet to the Gym.

At this point my trainer asks me how Im doing and I snarl back, ok I guess. I explain to him my lack of energy and behaviour and how I really don't feel ike working out. With a smile on his face he tells me to grin and bare it.

So now Im locked into an hour, thats it an hour, I can do that right. My mind starts counting down that hour as I slowly walk to the weight room. My trainer sees me not really wanting to workout but I squeeze a few reps out.

Then something strange happens...... My mind takes over, it was like I had to keep going, I started to feel better after a couple of sets. My mind was focused and I was ready for whatever my trainer wanted to throw at me. I impressed myself and him at the same time and had no idea of where all that energy came from.

I guess the moral of this note is that exercise really is the key on how one feels on a day to day basis. I may not have known that before, but I know it now.

If you are having a bad day, do something to release your tension through exercise, what ever that exercise is that you love.

Mine is boxing, but I have some weight to lose before I can train like a boxer. I am getting I feel the best workout routine threre is so far. I have noticed some changes.

Now if I can just make the whole mind over matter work for my eating habits, the weight willl fall off.

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